miércoles, 22 de julio de 2009

Gente de APATA, CUIDADO!!!

Si recuerdan, acá estuvimos y estamos en contra de un cateo buscando URANIO y TORIO por parte de la empresa Uranios del Sur SA, esta empresa pertenece a otra que se llama URANIOS AG de Suiza, quienes fueron capacitados por gente de Canadá.
Les mando este correo porque ya pasó con La Rioja, y yo estuve avisando. Mientras esa provincia tenía la "ley" que protegía el tema de la minería, Uranios del Sur avanzaba mostrando los datos que obtenia en la provincia. Todos sabemos que esto terminó con la baja de la ley, con el ingreso de esta empresa, de la CNEA y de otras empresas.
Pues bien, en la actualidad, Uranio AG de Suiza, SIGUE informando sobre San Luis y de hecho ahora con más fuerza.

URANIO AG se dedicó a sacar al información sobre Huacalera (a saber Yacoraite, Depto, Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy) como prioridad, pero sigue en las viejas noticias. Vaya a saber si es por la lucha que llevamos adelante, o como es de esperar solo para que creamos que la cosa pasó.
Les cuento que, aunque URANIO AG, bajó la información de Huacalera (búsqueda de Uranio y Torio, dos minerales radioactivos) nuestra bendita provincia NO suspendió los 2 cateos (además que la empresa dice tener 6 en Jujuy) sino que seguimos en Juicio en su segunda instancia (Superior Tribunal de Justicia de Jujuy) y si, como al menos yo espero, tampoco prospere, tendremos que ir a la Corte Suprema de la Nación.
Por lo poco que entiendo San Luis tiene una formación geológica en donde habría depósitos de URANIO (y por lo que ví al pasar, ORO).
Esto es imporante porque como pasó en La Rioja, el GOBIERNO SABE ESTO, y por lo que se puede "interpretar", sigue negociando al menos con esta empresa, mientras se las dá de tener una ley en contra. Al menos a mi, no me sorprende de los Saa.

Bueno basta de bla bla, se viene la UAC Jujuy y me parece que lo deben saber, yo la verdad no creo que participe, pero me parece de suma importancia que tengan esto.
Les pego acá la información que EN ESTE MISMO MOMENTO se puede consultar. (notarán que salvo de QUINES, tanto LA SUIZA como SANTA ROSA, dice CONSECION) bue...
At this time, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Uranio del Sur S.A., Uranio AG holds twenty-nine licensed territories for uranium mining in the central Argentinian provinces of La Rioja and San Luis, for a total area of approximately 179,000 hectares. Most of these territories form part of the so-called Panganzo Basin, a terrain which originated geologically between the Carbon and Permian periods-a terrain in which there are presumed to be additional significant deposits alongside the deposits already discovered.


South America (Argentina)

San Sebastian District, (3,450 HA), La Rioja

The Isobel 15 concession of about 3,450 hectares is in the San Sebastian District of La Rioja. Several pre-existing claims are not included in the Isobel 15 concession. These are shown in Figure 3 as areas outlined in blue that mark the San Sebastian mine (mislocated on Mines Ministry maps) and other claims for feldspar. The San Sebastian mine was a major uranium mine in Argentina.


Malanzan und Olta Districts, (58.664 Ha), La Rioja

The Malanzan and Olta District consists of seven concessions totaling 58,664 hectares. There are several small areas of pre-existing concessions that are excluded from these concessions.


Chepes District, (35.209 Hektar), La Rioja

The Chepes District is covered by four concessions totaling 35,209 hectares . Pre-existing concessions are not known in this area. The concessions in the Chepes district covers a paleochannel, defined by geological mapping and aeromagnetic surveys, in the Carboniferous – Permian sandstones and conglomerates.


Cuandacol District, (41,995 HA), La Rioja

Five Matias concessions total 41,995 hectares in the Guandacol District, La Rioja. Uranium showings occur within sedimentary rocks in a variety of types. Plant trash in Carboniferous to Permian sandstones are replaced by uranium in the west-central corner of the concession block.


Los Colorados District, (10,000 HA), La Rioja

The Color 15 concession of 10,000 hectares occurs in the Los Colorados District of La Rioja. Note that the roll front, past producing uranium mine at Los Colorados (Los Mogotes Colorado) in Figure 1 is only 20 kilometers southeast of the Color 15 concession.


Quines District, (6,000 HA), San Luis

The two concessions in the Quines District in the Province of San Luis total 6,000 hectares . Several areas within these concessions are probably excluded by previous ownership, but this has not yet been established. Uranium mineralization in Rocio 15 is mainly within nose-folds in metamorphic rock near a contact with granite to the east where several small concessions pre-exist the Rocio 15 application.

Quines District

(6,000 HA), San Luis

The two concessions in the Quines District in the Province of San Luis total 6,000 hectares. Several areas within these concessions are probably excluded by previous ownership, but this has not yet been established. Uranium mineralization in Rocio 15 is mainly within nose-folds in metamorphic rock near a contact with granite to the east where several small concessions pre-exist the Rocio 15 application. The northern part of Sean 15 is within metamorphic rock (title is clear). However, the southern part of Sean 15 is within granite that is also associated with high REE values (the title to this area is not yet known).

Concessions in the Quines area of San Luis total 6,000 hectares. Host terrane is Precambrian granitic and metamorphic basement, which is almost universally “hot”.

Santa Rosa Consession, (9,800 HA), San Luis

The Santa Rosa concession of 9,800 hectares is near the town of San Luis in the Province of San Luis. This concession covers extensive deposits of caliche with encrustations of the yellow uranium mineral carnotite. The main showing of carnotite is on top of a caliche horizon at the margin of an ancient shallow open pit mine used for extracting carbonate-rich caliche for construction.

Santa Rosa Consession

(9,800 HA), San Luis
The Santa Rosa concession of 9,800 hectares is near the town of San Luis in the Province of San Luis. This concession covers extensive deposits of caliche with encrustations of the yellow uranium mineral carnotite. The main showing of carnotite is on top of a caliche horizon at the margin of an ancient shallow open pit mine used for extracting carbonate-rich caliche for construction. However, carnotite encrustations are common on blocks of caliche thrown to the surface during the construction of irrigation ditches. The majority of the area is covered by a veneer of soil. The origin of the uranium is from ground water sucked to the surface by evaporative drive from an underlying prism of uranium-rich gravel derived from the “hot” Precambrian basement of granite and metamorphic rock to the west of the town of Santa Rosa.

The Santa Rosa concession of 9,800 hectares is in the Province of San Luis. Carnotite (uranium-vanadium oxide) encrusts caliche (areas mapped as yellow in the map, above).

La Suiza Consession, (6,000 HA), San Luis

The La Suiza concession consists of 6,000 hectares in the Province of San Luis. Several small concessions pre-exist within this concession, but their status is unknown. However, these concessions cover lithium-rich pegmatites and placer gold deposits.


La Suiza Consession

(6,000 HA), San Luis

Figure 10. La Suiza concession covers 6,000 hectares in the Province of San Luis.

The La Suiza concession consists of 6,000 hectares in the Province of San Luis. Several small concessions pre-exist within this concession, but their status is unknown. However, these concessions cover lithium-rich pegmatites and placer gold deposits. Host terrane is metamorphic schist and marble that has been intruded by granite. The area was staked in response to identification and location of traces of secondary uranium minerals in jasperoid veins found within a marble quarry.

Exploration targets on this concession include gold as well as uranium.


Como solo tengo este correo y no recibo comunicaciones desde ahí hace mucho tiempo, lo mando a Norberto Costa, quien veo que no deja de recopilar y mandar información.

Remo Leaño / Jallpa Yawar
Tilcara - Quebrada de Humahuaca - Jujuy - Argentina

Hay que pasar de la nause al vómito (Mujeres Creando, Bolivia)
Seamos Nimuendajú "El que crea su casa"

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